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      企業(yè)文化 Culture

      • 分類(lèi):關(guān)于我們
      • 發(fā)布時(shí)間:2020-08-13 00:00:00
      • 訪(fǎng)問(wèn)量:0

      誠實(shí)守信 ——堅持實(shí)事求是,做到言行一致,表里如一,信守承諾;對公司忠誠,員工任何應向公司匯報的工作信息,都應該如實(shí)反映。

      愛(ài)崗敬業(yè) ——立足本職,努力鉆研業(yè)務(wù);認真履行崗位職責,樹(shù)立強烈的事業(yè)心和責任感,高質(zhì)量、高效率的完成自己承擔的各項任務(wù)。

      團結協(xié)作 ——大力弘揚團隊精神,同事間和睦相處,平等尊重,單位部門(mén)間緊密配合,不推諉扯皮,努力營(yíng)造心情舒暢、溫暖和諧的工作氛圍。

      勤奮學(xué)習 ——熟悉掌握本職業(yè)務(wù)和工作技能,自覺(jué)學(xué)習新知識,掌握新技術(shù),做本領(lǐng)域的行家里手;樹(shù)立終身學(xué)習的理念,積極倡導團隊學(xué)習,鼓勵知識共享。

      追求卓越 ——有強烈的市場(chǎng)意識,競爭意識,創(chuàng )新意識和危機意識;以崗位作為實(shí)現自我人生價(jià)值的基石,開(kāi)拓進(jìn)取,與偉業(yè)共同成長(cháng)。同成長(cháng)。

      Honesty and trustworthiness-insist on seeking truth from facts, be consistent with words and deeds, keep the promises; be loyal to the company, and any work information that employees should report to the company should be truthfully reflected.

      Love your job and work hard-based on your job, work hard to study your business; earnestly perform your job responsibilities, establish a strong sense of professionalism and responsibility, and complete various tasks you undertake with high quality and efficiency.

      Unity and cooperation-vigorously promote team spirit, co-work with colleagues, equal respect, close cooperation between units and departments, without prevarication, and strive to create a comfortable, warm and harmonious working atmosphere.

      Diligent learning-familiarize yourself with your own business and work skills, consciously learn new knowledge, master new technology, and be an expert in this field; establish the concept of lifelong learning, actively advocate team learning, and encourage knowledge sharing.

      Pursue excellence ——Have a strong sense of market, competition, innovation and crisis; take the position as the cornerstone of realizing self-life value, forge ahead, and grow together with the great cause. Same growth.



      Copyright ? 2020   南通鵬連紡織品有限公司    蘇ICP備20047696號

      技術(shù)支持:中企動(dòng)力 南通
